The Aurora Grid Aurora

Boecore Transforms Into Auria: A New Dawn in Aerospace and Defense

Defense company Boecore has rebranded to Auria, reflecting its integrated expertise in satellite communication, software development, and cybersecurity after its acquisition by Enlightenment Capital. The Colorado Springs-based defense firm Boecore, known for its innovative solutions, has undergone a significant transformation into Auria, a new identity following its acquisition by Enlightenment Capital two years ago. The rebranding reflects Auria's integrated expertise in satellite communication, software development, and cybersecurity. The name Auria was inspired by the Latin words for ‘aurora’ or ‘dawn’ and represents the company’s renewed mission and unified expertise. Auria has expanded its reach by acquiring several strategic acquisitions, including Ascension Engineering Group, Orbit Logic, and La Jolla Logic, which have significantly increased its workforce to 420 employees across various states. The company is investing nearly $8 million in the renovation and expansion of its facilities.

Boecore Transforms Into Auria: A New Dawn in Aerospace and Defense

Yayınlanan : 6 ay önce ile Shivani Chauhan içinde World

The Colorado Springs-based defense firm Boecore, renowned for its innovative solutions, underwent a significant transformation following its acquisition by Enlightenment Capital two years ago. Now, the company has emerged with a new identity: Auria. This rebranding is not merely a cosmetic change but a reflection of Auria’s integrated expertise in satellite communication, software development, and cybersecurity.

A New Dawn for Defense and Aerospace Solutions

The name Auria, inspired by the Latin words for ‘aurora’ or ‘dawn,’ symbolizes the company’s renewed mission and unified expertise. As Auria, the firm aims to present a united front as it continues to deliver solutions to its customers in both public and private sectors, spanning federal, international, and commercial markets.

The journey of Boecore, founded by Kathy Boe, who continues to serve on the board, has been nothing short of inspiring. The company was initially sold to Enlightenment Capital with the intention of leveraging the established name as a springboard for future growth.

Throughout 2023, Auria aggressively expanded its reach by acquiring Ascension Engineering Group, Orbit Logic, and La Jolla Logic. These strategic acquisitions have substantially increased its workforce to 420 employees across various states.

Furthermore, Auria secured state and local tax incentives aimed at bringing over 600 jobs to the Pikes Peak region. The company is also investing nearly $8 million in the renovation and expansion of its facilities, reflecting its commitment to growth and dynamism.

Auria’s new headquarters in Colorado Springs will soon exhibit the new brand, signaling the company’s enhanced capabilities and commitment to delivering high-quality defense and aerospace solutions. This transformation is not only a testament to Auria’s growth but also a promise of its unwavering dedication to innovation and excellence in the future.

Konular: Space, Aerospace

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